


Revitalising Night Cream 50ml

促销价格£42.50 GBP



Promoting more hydrated skin while you sleep, this complex formula is enriched with algal calcium encapsulated in a rice extract envelope that is delivered ‘drop by drop’ into the skin throughout the night—improving intercellular junctions and limiting water loss. With a luxe ‘second skin’ texture, the Revitalising Night Cream also includes marine manganese from Sève Bleue des Océans as well as Thalgo’s patented Micronised Marine Algae—rich in 14 bioavailable micronutrients that are essential for a healthy, glowing complexion. Delivering plump, hydrated skin come morning, this intense formula is ideal for replenishing the skin’s natural water reserves.

Revitalising Night Cream 50ml
Revitalising Night Cream 50ml 促销价格£42.50 GBP

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