



8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance

What is a good work/life balance? Are you wondering how to improve yours but don’t know where to start, and don’t want your work to suffer as a result? High-powered career woman, and wellbeing expert, lawyer Christina Ioannou, shares her top tips on moving towards a better work/life balance, so you can be happier at work, and in life. Her tips are simpler than you might think.

8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance


We spend 90,000 hours (around a third of our lives) at work so it’s important we find a way to enjoy it. Easier than it sounds? Since our work and lives have changed so much in recent post-pandemic years, our work and life can often feel blurred and lack clear boundaries. Whether you’re working from home, working from the office, or doing a mixture of remote working, what’s the secret to achieving a good work/life balance?   

High-powered career woman, and health coach, lawyer Christina Ioannou, shares her top tips on balancing work and life so your career and personal life don’t suffer, and your physical and mental health and wellbeing thrive.  

“Striking a work/life balance is the ultimate goal. For some people; success at work may mean their ability to move forward within their careers and perform at maximum capacity, whilst balancing this with healthy and strong relationships, as well as having time for their hobbies and freedom to choose how to spend their time,” says Ioannou.  

“Interestingly, the biggest issue people have is finding time. And the good news is, you have it. It is just a case of rearranging your day to ensure that your work and play go hand in hand. The benefits for your mental health are endless.”  

1. Avoid Comparison  

As the saying goes, ‘comparison is the thief of joy.’ Ioannou agrees. “I would say it is important not to compare yourself to any of your colleagues/friends or family. What works for them may not suit you, and that is just fine! There is no one-size-fits-all solution.”  

We’re all unique people with different values, so it’s about working out what’s important to you first.  

2. Go To Bed An Hour Earlier  

"Go to bed an hour earlier! This may seem impractical for some people given that they argue that their ‘me time’ is in the evenings but believe me, by ensuring sleep is a priority for your daily recovery, you will wake up earlier and have a lot more energy to fully utilize that power hour and give the best of yourself at work. It all creates a knock-on effect!” says Ioannou.  

Struggle to switch off? Try incorporating a wind-down evening routine and calming sleep remedies like a warm drink, warm bath, CBD, and pillow mist.  

3. Prioritize Your Health  

“Being physically healthy through exercise and a balanced diet will give you the stamina to perform efficiently and spread yourself further without depleting your energy resources,” suggests Ioannou.  

“We all need our bodies to function as best as they can. So, I would start with your nutrition. Pre-plan your meals to save time and avoid eating (expensive) processed foods. Ensure whole foods and lots of leafy greens (and other veg of your choice) make an appearance in two of your meals. Variety is key!”  

4. Level-up Your Nutrition  

“Include whole grains, vegetables, and fruit in your diet, as well as lots of protein and the right sorts of fat (avocado, nuts, fish, olive oil, flax seeds). These food types help to boost your concentration, memory, and brain overall which is key to performing at your best and to improve your mood,” says Ioannou.  

5. Create Clear Boundaries  

“When the laptop is off (whether it be at home or in an office), make sure you are off too! Always feeling like you are working can lead to chronic stress. Small things, such as changing out of your work clothes and not checking emails out of hours, can help you to detach. Taking up a physical activity outside of work can help separate you from your work,” suggests Ioannou.  

6. Learn To Say No  

“Learning to say no is a common challenge for people. The belief that you will disappoint a friend when you decline an invite to the pub or upset your team when you reach capacity at work, can be harmful to you. It can however be very empowering to establish healthy boundaries, and great for your self-esteem and overall health when you prioritize your needs,” shares Ioannou.  

“Establishing boundaries comes naturally to some people. But it’s also a learned skill and one which will enable you to manage the expectations of others as well as your schedule. Begin by keeping a diary of all your commitments, and be realistic with your capacity.  

“When it is clearly written on paper, it becomes easier to communicate your tight schedule to others. Before you know it, you will be able to create personal and professional boundaries to suit you without feeling like you’ve let anyone down!”  

7. Find Your Flow State  

Outside of work, find your flow state. “Find a hobby or activity whereby you feel fully immersed. You feel a sense of greater enjoyment, energy, performance, and happiness. Examples of this could be playing sport, reading, yoga or listening to music,” highlights Ioannou.  

8. Hydrate  

“Keep a bottle of water by your workspace and drink it throughout the day. This is great for the brain as it increases energy and reduces fatigue,” adds Ioannou.  

A work/life balance means different things to different people, but rather than achieving this elusive balance and staying there, it’s worth reframing it as a cycle. It will constantly ebb and flow, over days, weeks, and months. Take comfort in the fact that it’s constantly changing, just like you, and ride its waves.  


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8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance

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8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance

8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance

Simple changes you can make today to be happier at work and in life.   

8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance

8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance

Simple changes you can make today to be happier at work and in life.   

8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance

8 Ways To A Better Work/Life Balance

Simple changes you can make today to be happier at work and in life.