


Men's Health

Powerful Morning Routine For Men

Looking for the morning routine of the most successful people in the world? Scroll down for some of the most common ways, backed up by research, that successful men start their day on a high in order to feel fulfilled in life. Often, they’re some of the simplest. They might just change your life.

Powerful Morning Routine For Men


What’s the first thing you do when you wake up?  

It’s one of the most talked-about things on social media, and you get FOMO if yours isn’t up to scratch. There are books on it, podcasts on it, experts and influencers to “advise” you left, right, and center on how to do it right, but when there are so many different opinions and options, what really is the best morning routine to adopt for a fulfilled and successful life?  

Of course, the answer isn’t a one-size-fits-all approach. You have to have the right healthy morning routine that suits you and your lifestyle, and that might change each day too.  

Despite this, there are a few things you could incorporate into your morning that could start your day on the right foot, and according to the research, done daily, these habits can form a meaningful, happy life.   


You don’t want to feel rushed each morning. That’s a quick-fire way to bring on stress and anxiety. Instead, wake up with plenty of time so you can dedicate some time to your health before you start work.  

What classes as ‘early’ is different for all of us. For some, joining the ‘5am club’ works for them. For others who may be night owls, a later wake-up time works better.  

Test out which wake-up time works best for you. Think about when your most productive hours are, consider when you go to bed (to ensure you’re getting enough sleep), and check your schedule that day.  


Drinking a warm glass of water with freshly squeezed lemon in when you wake up can work wonders for your body. Your body has fasted overnight and needs hydrating. Drinking enough water each day is so important for all your bodily functions and can help you to have more energy, encourage a better mood, have a healthy gut, and even help you lose weight.  

Lemon water is a great detoxifier. It gets your digestion off to a flying start. Good gut health means your immune system and brain health has got a better chance at being healthy too.  


Topping up any nutritional deficiencies with supplements can help your health and body to thrive throughout each day.   

“Nutrition and wellness are so personalized, especially when we each have such different goals and needs. I personally take multivitamins and use CBD,” says Shane Finlayson, current Dreamboy and ex-reality TV star.  

 “The supplements help with my muscles, improve immunity and digestion so I can perform at the best of my ability each day. The CBD helps to relieve mild anxiety, reduce tiredness, and helps ease aching muscles after a workout too.”  

Did you know most of the world is deficient in magnesium, vitamin B12, and vitamin D? These essential vitamins and minerals are vital to your health. Without them, your body is working sub-optimally – you might feel more tired, sluggish, have a lower mood, have sleep problems, have skin concerns, and even increase your chance of long-term health conditions. Incorporate good-quality supplements into your morning routine for better health all day long. 


Walking outside in nature first thing in the morning has a number of positive effects on the body.  

Walking encourages healthy brain activity that can help you to problem solve, be more creative, be more alert throughout your day, improve mental clarity, improve self-esteem, boost mood, reduce stress and anxiety, and ease symptoms of depression.  

Walking doesn't just wake up your mind and brain, but your insides too. It gives your organs a massage to help keep everything in good working order.  


Specifically walking outside in the morning has a positive effect on your brain too. Morning sunlight exposure slows down melatonin production and triggers a spike in cortisol (which in this case is a good thing).  

This hormone reaction helps to regulate a healthy sleep-wake cycle (so you can sleep better at night) and helps to counteract any morning grogginess.  

“Bringing that cortisol pulse earlier in your wakeful period has positive benefits, ranging from [lowering] blood pressure to [improving] mental health,” says Dr. Andrew Huberman, Professor of Neurobiology and Ophthalmology at Stanford University School of Medicine, on his podcast, Huberman Lab.  

Exposure to sunlight in general boosts vitamin D levels, which can support our health, from preventing chronic disease to supporting bone health, and sustaining energy levels and mood.  

Exposure to sunlight can also go some way to helping to prevent or treat Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) that many people experience in the dark winter months because they’re not getting enough sunlight. If you struggle to get outside, taking a vitamin D supplement is vital.  


Stretching in the morning can ease any tension from spending the past 8 hours horizontal, help to avoid injury, improve your posture, improve your mobility (which can boost your workouts), and help to ease muscular and joint pain. (Protein can also support muscle recovery.)  

It brings blood flow back to the muscles gently to help you gear up for a whole day of using them! Plus, certain stretches can help you to feel more relaxed too – a great mindset to start your day with!  


The benefits of exercise really are endless, from helping you to lose weight, to avoiding long-term health conditions and boosting mental health.  

Former military man and coach at The Tactical Athlete, Farren Morgan, uses it to de-stress. “Exercise is a great way to de-stress and reset yourself, especially early in the morning. Exercise releases hormones such as endorphins and serotonin that boost mood and calm anxiety.”  

We should be working out at a moderately intense level for at least 150 minutes each week (that’s 30 minutes five times a week) and getting it done in the morning not only releases feel-good endorphins to start your day on a high, but you also have the satisfaction of knowing that when you sign off from work for the day, your exercise is out of the way.  

Plus, spending time on yourself before you dedicate yourself to work and others feels really good! Despite what you might think, it also gives you more energy to start your day.  


Cortisol levels are highest in the morning, so it's normal to feel slightly on edge when you wake up. Bring your body back to a calm state with some meditation or journaling.  

Mornings can often feel hectic and rushed. By bringing this still, quiet time into your morning, you can alter your mood, and strengthen your mental health and mental endurance. It can also help you to connect with yourself (or a higher power, if that’s your thing) on a deeper level. Heightened self-awareness can be a powerful force for good in your life!  

Morgan suggests, “The more you do it, the easier it will become. If you've never meditated before, try guided meditation.”   


As the saying goes, “eat that frog.” The idea is that doing the biggest, hardest task of the day means you’re not dreading it as the day goes on, you definitely get round to it so deadlines aren’t missed and you can attack it when you’re fresh before your energy depletes, or life stressors pop up. It will provide you with a deep sense of satisfaction, and everything after that will feel easier.   


Avoid picking your phone up or reading or listening to the news first thing, as it could affect the rest of your day for the worse.  

Engage in tasks that are just for you in the morning, so you can avoid burnout, have a greater sense of self and achievement, and so life isn’t all about work. It will also make you a brighter, more productive person when you are at work.  

You might not be able to fit all these healthy morning habits into every morning, but incorporating some of them has been proven to make you more successful, healthier, and happier. Changing your mornings might just change your life.

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Powerful Morning Routine For Men

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Powerful Morning Routine For Men
Men's Health

Powerful Morning Routine For Men

Ten life-changing habits, backed up by research, to change your mornings, and your life. 

Powerful Morning Routine For Men
Men's Health

Powerful Morning Routine For Men

Ten life-changing habits, backed up by research, to change your mornings, and your life. 

Powerful Morning Routine For Men
Men's Health

Powerful Morning Routine For Men

Ten life-changing habits, backed up by research, to change your mornings, and your life.