


Men's Health

Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back

Build back strength, bolster muscle mass, and reduce back pain with five of the best back exercises for a strong, defined back.

Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back


Want to know how to get a strong, chiseled, and defined back, just like Chris Hemsworth, aka, Thor?  

Actors who play superheroes usually have to train with a grueling workout routine. Well now, you can get the celebrity treatment too.  

Chris Hemsworth has recently launched his own fitness app, Centr, to advise others on how to look like a superhero. But, as the saying goes, you do need to put your back into it.  

No one ever misses leg day, but are you putting back day on the backburner? Big mistake! A stronger back can support your strength and training in every other part of your body. Plus, strengthening your back is great for your posture, and can reduce the incidence of back pain and injury!  

Leading fitness expert, serving soldier, and world record holder Farren Morgan has revealed the best back exercises for men to get that strong, chiseled, defined back.  

Whether you’re looking for lower-back exercises, back exercises to do at home, or back exercises to do with no equipment, we’ve got you covered in our guide with the best back workout routine for a strong back whether you’re a beginner or a maestro.  


Perfect your posture  

“If you're looking to develop the muscles, it's important that you maintain proper posture for each exercise to maximize the benefits of the workout and to prevent yourself from straining your body to conduct the workouts.”  

Build that mind-muscle connection  

“Try to build a connection between your mind and your muscles, this means learning to actively contract and extend your middle and upper back muscles as you conduct your workouts.”  

Challenge yourself  

“It's also important to find the balance between challenging your physical abilities without sustaining an injury which is why you should choose weights that will allow you to finish your reps, and leave you with just enough energy to do 1-2 more.”  

Want to get pumped before or during your workout? Try pre-workout and intra-workout blends to help you make the most out of your sweat sesh.  


“The first two exercises are extremely convenient because they can be performed anywhere while the following three incorporate external weights to provide you with more of a challenge to help produce greater results once you feel confident enough to take your back exercises to the next level.”  

1. The Superman  

“Lie down with your stomach on the floor. As you lie down, contract your stomach so your belly button is pulled inwards to compress your core as your arms and legs are extended outwards.  

“Arch your back upwards and raise your arms and legs off the floor, then hold the position before coming back down to the ground and repeating.”  

2. Plank  

“Bend your elbows whilst in a push-up position.   

“Keep your body straight as you hold the position and support your core then release by going back on the ground before repeating once more.”  

“You slowly lower the weight back down to the ground, then repeat the rep.”  

3. Deadlift   

“Hold your dumbbells with an overhand grip and keep them by your sides with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.  

“Lower your upper body as you bend your knees until your upper body is parallel to the ground while your arms extend downwards so they hang just above your knees.  

“Revert to your initial starting position by clenching your glutes, and applying pressure  

to the heels of your feet as you lift your upper body back up, then repeat.”  

4. Bent-Over Row  

“Stand and place both feet flat on the floor with your chest bent down towards both your feet and dumbbells in hand.  

“Relax your knees and extend your hands downwards.  

“Contract your bicep and tricep muscles as pull your arms upwards in a rowing motion  

then tense them when your hands reach the side of your ribs as you hold the position, then release by extending your arms back to the previous position and repeat the process.”  

5. Renegade Row  

“Begin in an elevated plank position with one palm flat on the ground directly beneath  

your shoulder and the other holding your dumbbell or kettlebell. Make sure your body is kept straight during the workout.  

“Slowly lift the weight in a rowing movement towards the hips while ensuring that your elbow is kept close to the body before it extends upwards past the side of your hip.  

“Keep your body firmly planted during the workout and feel free to widen them for more support as you slowly lower the weight back down to the ground, then repeat the rep.”  

Build your back strength and reduce back pain with these exercises for your strongest back yet. Now, make like a superhero, and get back to it!  

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Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back

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Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back
Men's Health

Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back

Try these five back exercises for a stronger, more defined back. 

Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back
Men's Health

Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back

Try these five back exercises for a stronger, more defined back. 

Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back
Men's Health

Best Back Exercises For A Strong Back

Try these five back exercises for a stronger, more defined back.