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Корзина пуста


Цена по акции£26.00 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: MED_IK8-066



Intensely nourish and comfort very dry, compromised, or post-treatment skin with Ultimate Recovery.

This intensely rich, restorative cream was expertly formulated to minimise the downtime associated with aesthetic treatments, leaving your skin visibly restored and soothed.

The allantoin-infused formula works in synergy with the skin's natural reparative process, creating a protective barrier that keeps moisture locked in while shielding compromised skin from external irritants as it heals.

The perfect skin saviour following chemical peels, microneedling or microdermabrasion, or exposure to cold winter weather.

ULTIMATE RECOVERY Цена по акции£26.00 GBP

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