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Lion's Mane Mushroom Elixir Mix

Цена по акции£19.99 GBP

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Артикул: FOU_SIG-027



Discover more energy, creativity, and laser-sharp focus, without the caffeine, with Four Sigmatic’s Think Mushroom Elixir Mix With Lion's Mane. Add a sachet to your morning routine in your tea, coffee, or smoothie to help you power up and get more done. Four Sigmatic say, “It’s like coffee for your coffee without the caffeine.” Although Lion’s Mane is a powerful mushroom that helps you to stay focused, it doesn’t taste anything like culinary mushrooms. It tastes more like a smooth and earthy herbal tea so it’s a perfect way to ease you into your morning tasks to stay focused without the jitters and anxiety that you sometimes get from coffee.

Lion's Mane Mushroom Elixir Mix
Lion's Mane Mushroom Elixir Mix Цена по акции£19.99 GBP

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