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Цена по акции£3.29 GBP

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Артикул: MAS_LGY-011

Help your clients to experience a moment of calm with +maskology THERMOTHERAPY Professional Heated Mask. This relaxing treatment soothes their eyes by gently heating the area, allowing your client to sit back and reset. 

Chamomile Scented
Self Heating
A Moment of Calm
Scented with calming chamomile, these masks will help your client to sink into a peaceful rest and take time to relax. These 15 minute masks are a great choice for when their eyes feel tired, strained or have spent too much time on a screen. The gentle warmth and rest that this treatment provides will leave them feeling replenished. 

Perfect for use during massage treatments.

THERMOTHERAPY Heated Eye Mask Цена по акции£3.29 GBP

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