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SQUALANE Professional Facial Serum

Цена по акции£9.95 GBP

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Артикул: SER_LGY-005

The +serumology SQUALANE Professional Facial Serum intensely hydrates, enriches and replenishes the skin, resulting in a youthful and energised complexion. Harnessing the power of Olive, Passionfruit, Organic Sweet Orange Oil and Organic Almond Oil, this fruit mix creates an anti-ageing formula that rejuvenates and soothes the skin.

Our Squalane is sourced from Olives, adding the formula to provide a powerful boost of collagen production. This results in the skin becoming smoothed, with increased elasticity and reduced fine lines and wrinkles. As well as these youth enhancing benefits, Squalene will also calm the skin, soothing irritation and evening the natural oil levels to balance the complexion.

Passionfruit is a deeply nourishing ingredient that revitalises dehydrated skin. The signs of tiredness will be diminished and the complexion will be re-energised, resulting in a natural glow. The abundance of Vitamin A and C will also offer anti-ageing benefits such as the protection from free radicals and the increased levels of collagen and elastin.

Organic Sweet Orange Oil and Organic Almond Oil combine to smooth the skin, improving its tone, texture and radiance.

The +serumology SQUALANE Professional Facial Serum is 100% plant based.

1% Squalane

SQUALANE Professional Facial Serum
SQUALANE Professional Facial Serum Цена по акции£9.95 GBP

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