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Skin Rescue Balm 30g

Цена по акции£14.46 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: ESP_SPA-015

A nourishing balm to soothe, protect and condition dry or sensitive skin. Naturally calming actives Blackcurrant Seed Oil, Balloon Vine Extract, Manuka and Tamanu Oils, replenish and soothe stressed-looking skin, while antioxidant Sea Fennel restores and protects for beautifully comforted skin.

Enriched with botanical essential oils of Bergamot, Sweet Orange, Damask Rose, and more.

Skin Rescue Balm 30g
Skin Rescue Balm 30g Цена по акции£14.46 GBP

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