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Корзина пуста

Sacred heart - rose tincture

Цена по акции£18.33 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: ESS_ZOE-005



No matter where you are on your journey, bringing love & peace into your heart is one of our greatest gifts.

The sacred Rose is one of the most powerful flowers that brings you from your mind to your heart.

Ask the rose for help when you are feeling grief, despair, sadness or in need of courage.

When we soften & open our heart chakra we welcome in joy. A joyful heart has a healing ripple effect on those around us.

Our roses are grown in tune with the moon on a British Biodynamic farm.

We are a social enterprise, so by creating a purposeful self-care routine you are also supporting the community.

Sacred heart - rose tincture
Sacred heart - rose tincture Цена по акции£18.33 GBP

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