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PHOTON LED light therapy face mask

Цена по акции£162.50 GBP

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Артикул: MAS_LGY-007

Elevate your skincare treatments with the +maskology PHOTON LED Mask. This 5 in 1 treatment technology is the perfect addition to your facial offering - giving you the ability to provide your clients with 5 different treatments using just one tool.  

Targets acne and blemishes for clear skin
Anti-ageing benefits for youthful looking skin
Brightens and smoothes the complexion
Promotes collagen production and cell renewal

The +maskology PHOTON LED Mask uses 108 light beds and 5 LED light therapy colours to deliver high density, high intensity energy to the skin. 

This tool is a great way to maximise on treatment time, whilst also ensuring return on investment. LED Facial Treatments are averagely priced from £30-£60 and we recommend 2 treatments per week per client for the best results. If your business were to average 10 treatments per week, you could look to see a return of up to £2,400 in revenue per month. 

PHOTON LED light therapy face mask
PHOTON LED light therapy face mask Цена по акции£162.50 GBP

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