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Peppermint Hydrogel

Цена по акции£71.66 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: HEV_SKI-070



The Peppermint hydrogel is our balancing gel. The inclusion of peppermint and spearmint minimises oil secretion in the skin, balances the PH levels and refines pores, leaving the skin balanced and hydrated. Can also be used as an eye cooling gel to alleviate bags and puffiness. The hydrogel can also remove the shine on the T-Zone with its balancing properties.
Cooling on the skin and refines pores
Balances oil secretions and skin's ph levels
Cross polymer; interlocking firming action

Peppermint Hydrogel
Peppermint Hydrogel Цена по акции£71.66 GBP

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