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No.8 Bond Intense Moisture Mask

Цена по акции£23.33 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: OLA_PLX-015



Olaplex No. 8 Bond Intense Moisture Mask is a deep conditioning treatment that helps to repair damaged hair. Formulated with Olaplex's signature bond-building technology, this mask helps to strengthen and fortify hair from within, leaving it feeling soft, smooth, and healthy.

The mask is suitable for all hair types, and is especially effective on dry, damaged, or chemically treated hair. It can be used as a weekly treatment to help maintain healthy, strong hair, or as a deeper treatment to repair and rejuvenate damaged locks.

No.8 Bond Intense Moisture Mask
No.8 Bond Intense Moisture Mask Цена по акции£23.33 GBP

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