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Nettle Venom Polish

Цена по акции£35.83 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: HEV_SKI-060

This potent exfoliator has been created by Deborah to rival her best-selling Bee Polish but using only ingredients gifted by nature. Designed to scuff away dead cells and clear pores, it works effectively on the upper layer of your skin to improve texture and leave skin looking more radiant and feeling healthier.

With its clever blend of phytotherapy ingredients – including nettle leaves, echinacea and maple sap – Nettle Polish helps to alleviate fine lines, lighten pigmentation and extract toxins without harming the outer layer of the skin. It can be used in tandem with Heaven’s innovative Nettle Cream or Dock Cream, marking a new era in effective vegan skincare.

Nettle Venom Polish
Nettle Venom Polish Цена по акции£35.83 GBP

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