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Nettle Venom Eyes

Цена по акции£47.50 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: HEV_SKI-059



It contains Deborah’s patented NETTATOXIN® which works in the same way as her famous bee venom but uses only 100% plant-based ingredients.

Imagine you’ve cut yourself and once it heals the area feels tight and the skin looks new. When you apply the new Nettle Venom around the delicate eye area the body’s natural defence starts to heal; of course there’s no damage but the skin is tricked into thinking there has been. By using it daily, it will tackle those tell-tale dark circles and fine lines that we all get as we age – in fact, it’s so good you’ll be proud to look the mirror in the eye!

Nettle Venom Eyes
Nettle Venom Eyes Цена по акции£47.50 GBP

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