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Matcha Lemon Gift Set 100ml EDT + 100ml Micellar Shower Gel

Цена по акции£42.25 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: TEA_LGY-002

Introducing Teaology Matcha Lemon! This luxurious 100 ml EDT + 100 ml Micellar Shower Gel set is the perfect way to experience the intoxicating scent of matcha tea and lemon. The noble green notes of Japanese matcha tea combined with the freshness of Italian lemon create a sparkling and captivating fragrance that is perfect for any occasion.

Matcha Lemon Gift Set 100ml EDT + 100ml Micellar Shower Gel
Matcha Lemon Gift Set 100ml EDT + 100ml Micellar Shower Gel Цена по акции£42.25 GBP

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