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HYALURONIC ACID Professional Facial Serum

Цена по акции£9.95 GBP

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Артикул: SER_LGY-003

The +serumology HYALURONIC ACID Professional Facial Serum uses all natural ingredients to powerfully lock in moisture and provide the skin with deep nourishment. Using the power of Soybean and Chamomile, the formula will hydrate and brighten the complexion.

The Hyaluronic Acid used in the serum is non-synthetic and derived from Soybean. This plant based ingredient deeply hydrates and replenishes the skin - ensuring that it is healthier and more supple. Utilising this ingredient, this treatment can help to lock moisture into the skin and enhance its ability to heal and function.

Chamomile is an effective anti-inflammatory and antioxidant ingredient that soothes the skin and reduces redness or irritation. This calming substance targets active breakouts to minimise bacteria and deeply cleanse the skin to create a clear and rejuvenated complexion. Chamomile also tackles the signs of tiredness: brightening dark circles and reducing puffiness.

The +serumology HYALURONIC ACID Professional Facial Serum is 100% plant based.

2% Hyaluronic Acid.

HYALURONIC ACID Professional Facial Serum
HYALURONIC ACID Professional Facial Serum Цена по акции£9.95 GBP

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