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Extra Mist-Ical Shine Spray

Цена по акции£23.33 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: COL_WOW_-031



Everyone who wants super glossy, healthy looking hair. Add brilliant shine to dull, dry, dehydrated hair. Give new life to over-processed or damaged hair. Perfect shine spray for colour-treated hair. Give a glossy healthy boost to drab, matte blonde, make grey hair sparkle, light up brown hair with rich, dimensional radiance. Great for curly and textured hair. Makes highlights pop.
Super-fine mist 
All gloss, no grease
Heat protection

Extra Mist-Ical Shine Spray
Extra Mist-Ical Shine Spray Цена по акции£23.33 GBP

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