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Корзина пуста

Mushroom Coffee Chaga & Cordyceps 10 Sachets

Цена по акции£9.16 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: FOU_SIG-009



Strengthen your immune system and overall wellness to start your day with gusto with Four Sigmatic’s Defend Instant Coffee Mix With Chaga & Cordyceps. Coffee is perfect for boosting energy to help you tackle your latest project or a workout, but it can also give you the jitters or the dreaded afternoon slump (where your energy dips and you feel like you need a coffee.) Combining coffee with powerful natural ingredients, Chaga and Cordyceps mushrooms, offsets the darker side of coffee to balance energy so you won’t be falling asleep at your desk (we’ve all been there) and you can avoid that wired feeling. Avoid the vicious coffee cycle and choose this powerful caffeine blend powered by nature’s medicinal mushrooms to sustain healthy energy and strong immunity throughout the day. Four Sigmatic blends are made by Finnish people, and since Finnish people drink more coffee than anywhere else in the world, they take their coffee very seriously, so you know you’re onto a winner with this expert blend!
Mushroom Coffee Chaga & Cordyceps 10 Sachets
Mushroom Coffee Chaga & Cordyceps 10 Sachets Цена по акции£9.16 GBP

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