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Golden Latte with Shitake & Turmeric

Цена по акции£16.66 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: FOU_SIG-008



Golden by name, golden by nature – turn to Four Sigmatic’s Defend Golden Latte With Turkey Tail when you want to boost your body’s immunity, fight premature aging, and feel better. The sunshine-hued spice, turmeric, is the star of this Golden Latte blend, and rightly so – it’s packed full of anti-aging antioxidant benefits that will help you to feel good and look good. Paired with another antioxidant-rich, immune-supporting ingredient, organic Turkey Tail mushroom, it makes a healthy addition to your daily wellness rituals. It works well as a soothing and healthy tea or coffee alternative to provide your body with much-needed daily nutrients that help you to thrive.

Golden Latte with Shitake & Turmeric
Golden Latte with Shitake & Turmeric Цена по акции£16.66 GBP

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