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Curl Wow Flo-erty Vital Natural Serum

Цена по акции£22.50 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: COL_WOW_-014



New “Naked Technology” feels like nothing’s on the hair!
Flo-etry curl serum instantly moisturizes and plumps dehydrated curls (that are inherently dry because natural oils from the scalp can’t easily flow down the bends and twists of curly strands)
Our proprietary Profaxil-18 Complex™ breaks up Jojoba, Pequi, and Coconut Oils’ large particles to micro-disperse these rich oils throughout hair strands, from lengths to ends for weightless, non-oily results
Instantly delivers super hydrated, juicy, healthy-looking curls....defrizzed and glossy, never greasy

Curl Wow Flo-erty Vital Natural Serum
Curl Wow Flo-erty Vital Natural Serum Цена по акции£22.50 GBP

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