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Curl Wow Coco-Motion Conditioner

Цена по акции£21.66 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: COL_WOW_-013



New “Naked Technology” feels like nothing’s on the hair!
Weightless curl conditioner works deep inside strands
No heavy, greasy feel because our proprietary Profaxil-18 Complex™ breaks up Marula Oil and Coconut Oil particles, enabling them to penetrate hair and lubricate hair’s internal protein chains 
Instantly gives dry, dehydrated, brittle, “static” curls fluid motion, silky texture, bounce and elasticity 

Curl Wow Coco-Motion Conditioner
Curl Wow Coco-Motion Conditioner Цена по акции£21.66 GBP

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