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Корзина пуста

Crunchy Collagen Protein Bar Ginger Lime

Цена по акции£1.65 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: FOO_DIN-013

The Ginger Lime Collagen Protein Bar is a fresh, spicy protein bar that gets its unique flavour from ginger and dried lime. The bar contains 12 grams of protein, of which 6,5 grams is high-quality Grass-fed collagen protein. The crunchy texture and flavour is created with cashew and Brazil nuts, almonds and sunflower seeds. The Ginger Lime Collagen Protein Bar is both a delicacy and a workout snack, and you can use it in baking or crush it on top of ice cream and cakes.

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