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Cool Cucumber Eye Serum

Цена по акции£15.80 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: HAP_CAR-003

Stay cool as a cumber with our quick-absorbing eye serum with cucumber, apple and kiwi oils.

With all the laughing we do, it’s normal to have fine lines in this area. So this fruity combination will help prevent damage and protect this dry and delicate skin, allowing us to get on with more laughing!

This 10ml glass bottle comes with a roller ball for easy application and aluminium lid.

Contains over 95% upcycled oils from food and drink waste.

Winner of the Vegan Beauty Awards 2022!
Cool Cucumber Eye Serum
Cool Cucumber Eye Serum Цена по акции£15.80 GBP

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