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Colow Wow One Minute Transformation 50ml

Цена по акции£12.00 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: COL_WOW_-010

Typical styling creams contain emulsifiers or waxes that don’t penetrate into your hair, creating a greasy heavy coat on the surface. One Minute Transformation is rich in avocado oil and Omega 3’s, which quickly absorb into your hair, replenishing and restoring hair’s natural moisture balance, which gets depleted by colour chemicals and heat styling. Immediately, your hair strands have renewed suppleness, elasticity and a tighter, smoother, glossy cuticle surface.

Colow Wow One Minute Transformation 50ml
Colow Wow One Minute Transformation 50ml Цена по акции£12.00 GBP

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