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Cold Cream Marine Nutri-Comfort Rich Cream 50ml

Цена по акции£40.00 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: THA_LGO-005

A cocoon balm that protects and replenishes lipids for 24hrs*, to restore comfort and smooth very dry skin.

Best for: Sensitive & Red, Irritated Skin


Cold Cream Marine Complex (Oil + Wax + Water): lipid replenishment and comforting action.
Marine Pro-ceramide: restructuring and smoothing action.
Patented Micronised Marine Algae filtrate: revitalising action.
Borage oil: long-lasting lipid replenishment action.

Cold Cream Marine Nutri-Comfort Rich Cream 50ml
Cold Cream Marine Nutri-Comfort Rich Cream 50ml Цена по акции£40.00 GBP

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