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Цена по акции£25.60 GBP

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Артикул: AZA_SKI-002



Cleanse and brighten with Azadi Face Wash. Rich in antioxidants and carefully selected botanical extracts, it has been created to care for the specific needs of melanin-rich skin. This exceptionally gentle yet highly effective cleanser is designed to lather luxuriously, hydrating and nourishing while refining skin texture, boosting radiance and promoting a healthy skin barrier.

Bright healthy skin always starts with cleansing, but it is important to get the balance right. This unique serum-style cleanser has been carefully formulated to cleanse, hydrate and illuminate your skin. Sulphate-free and rich in Oat Amino acids, the botanical-rich formulation is infused with a blend of gentle yet effective natural ingredients that work together to provide freedom from the vicious cycle of dehydration, inflammation and hyperpigmentation.

Formulated to care for the specific needs of melanin-rich skin, and especially beneficial for skin prone to hyperpigmentation, antioxidant-rich Azelaic Acid gently exfoliates and revitalises the skin, helping to fade dark spots and promote a more even complexion. The nurturing blend of Squalene, Raspberry Seed Oil, Aloe and Sea Buckthorn Oil then helps to restore the lipid barrier, ensuring your skin feels hydrated and beautifully balanced immediately after use.

Cleanse Цена по акции£25.60 GBP

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