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Цена по акции£33.33 GBP

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Артикул: MED_IK8-010



Start your morning with a visibly bright, dewy and energised complexion thanks to C-Tetra Cream.

Harnessing the proven antioxidant power of Medik8's original C-Tetra serum in a silky and nourishing cream, C-Tetra Cream works to restore the look of skin radiance while protecting against the visibly ageing effects of environmental stressors.

3% stabilised vitamin C helps to directly tackle the appearance of fine lines and uneven skin tone while hyaluronic acid supports the skin's natural protective barrier for more youthful-looking skin overall.

The perfect option for those who are entirely new to vitamin C.

C-TETRA CREAM Цена по акции£33.33 GBP

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