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BR Organic Toothpaste Peppermint

Цена по акции£9.49 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: ESS_OXY-003

With the natural cleaning power of food grade hydrogen peroxide and the soothing benefits of peppermint essential oil, our fluoride-free, low abrasion BR | Organic Toothpaste Peppermint works to effectively whiten your teeth and freshen your breath while loving your enamel.

Our toothpaste is USDA Certified Organic and GMO-free. Each ingredient is carefully sourced, ensuring it adheres to our high quality standards: vegan, cruelty free, biodegradable, and sustainable. It has no objectionable additives like glycerin, carrageenan, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or sugar.

Highly recommended by dentists!
Many natural toothpastes are highly abrasive and contribute to thinning tooth enamel. Essential Oxygen's BR | Organic Toothpaste has the lowest abrasion level (RDA) of any toothpaste on the market - it's very gentle on your enamel and safe to use 3x daily.
BR Organic Toothpaste Peppermint
BR Organic Toothpaste Peppermint Цена по акции£9.49 GBP

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