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Bee Polish

Цена по акции£8.33 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: HEV_SKI-013



The first non-abrasive, anti-ageing exfoliator which contains the patented formula ABEETOXIN®. The formula of bee venom and glycolic acid (Raw cane sugar) can alleviate fine lines and wrinkles and lighten pigmentation whilst extracting toxins without harming the outer layer of the skin. Bee polish also boosts the immunity of the skin due to the Echinacea content, making it great for those with acne and problematic/irritated skin.
Extracts toxins and pulls out impurities
Alleviates fine lines and wrinkles
Non-abrasive - gentle to the skin

Bee Polish
Bee Polish Цена по акции£8.33 GBP

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