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Bee Peel

Цена по акции£92.65 GBP

Цена указана без учета налогов.

Артикул: HEV_SKI-011



This unique, fresh formula known as ‘the facelift in a jar’ helps boost the production of collagen which increases the strength and elasticity of your skin. Created with ABEETOXIN®, organic coconut and raw cane sugar to resurface and even out skin tone, minimise the visibility of lines, scars, dark spots, blemishes and enlarged pores. A solution for enhanced exfoliation and hydration. Reduces inflammation and pore-clogging debris leaving smooth, plump skin.

Reduces the appearance of scars, dark spots, blemishes, enlarged pores and dullness
Resurfaces the skin and minimises the appearance of fine lines
Enhanced exfoliation 

Bee Peel
Bee Peel Цена по акции£92.65 GBP

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