


Yuzu & Ginger Cleansing Sorbet 100ml

セール価格£33.33 GBP



Experience a burst of luminosity with this sorbet cleanser - featuring zingy Ginger, refreshing Yuzu, and succulent Mango. 

This unique sorbet texture is first a jelly-like consistency, then melts into nourishing oil, and finally transforms into a foamy milk. Discover super clean skin as this sorbet melts away makeup, impurities, and more whilst delivering supple hydration and unmatched radiance.

Super clean, quenched, and clarified skin. Powered by supercharged fruit actives for a surge of natural vibrance.

Yuzu & Ginger Cleansing Sorbet 100ml
Yuzu & Ginger Cleansing Sorbet 100ml セール価格£33.33 GBP

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