


Teaology Green Tea Bancha Oil 100ml

セール価格£14.00 GBP



Bancha Oil Naturalnourishing and glowing oil for Face, Body, Hair. 

A 100% natural oil with Green Tea and Marula oil, it nourishes, moisturizes and regenerates the skin, leaving it soft, radiant and deliciously scented. Its formula contains precious, cold-pressed botanical oils infused with real Japanese Bancha GreenTea leaves that release antioxidant catechins while marula oil, rich in vitamins C, E, omega 6 and 9, nourishes, replenishes and protects against damage caused by free radicals in the environment thanks to its extraordinary ease of absorption.

Teaology Green Tea Bancha Oil 100ml
Teaology Green Tea Bancha Oil 100ml セール価格£14.00 GBP

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