


Immortelle Divine Eye Balm 15ml

セール価格£54.16 GBP



Made with 89% natural ingredients, this expert formula, with its rich, melt-in texture, helps to correct main signs of skin ageing and provides supreme comfort for the delicate skin around the eyes.

Boasting with nourishing shea butter and four Immortelle extracts including Immortelle Super Extract, a natural alternative to Retinol, the Divine Eye Balm diminishes puffiness and dark circles, smoothes skin, and helps to improve tone, firmness and radiance. The first signs of ageing seem erased, the skin feels deeply nourished. Immediately, the skin around the eyes looks smoothed out, more even, more radiant.

Immortelle Divine Eye Balm 15ml
Immortelle Divine Eye Balm 15ml セール価格£54.16 GBP

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