



Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life

Knowing your cycle can provide an inner compass to live a healthier life that’s more attune with your body’s natural rhythm. Know when to go hard at the gym, and when to choose yoga instead, when to plan social events or have a self-care evening at-home, and even when’s best to plan date night or do deep work. Join the wealth of women that have changed their life through tracking their cycle with this guide from the experts.

Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life


Getting our period each month is often an inconvenience, but one we’ve all learned to live with. Yes, we probably notice frustrating PMS symptoms, and maybe others around us do too, but once it’s over, we return to a seemingly ‘normal’ existence, before the next one comes around again. So much so, in fact, that sometimes we forget that our bodies work in a cycle at all. Many women have begun cycle tracking, and sing its praises for changing their life, so how do we track our cycle, and how do we harness those life-changing benefits too? 

Tracking your cycle has traditionally been used to support fertility, but did you know being more aware of where you are in your menstrual cycle can actually improve your mental health, relationships, moods, energy, and all-round ability to live your life on your terms?  


“Menstruation gives women a unique insight into the state of their health each month. By understanding our phases and reflecting on menstruation, we are gifted the opportunity to make changes and adjustments that affect subsequent cycles and our overall physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being,” explains Ayurvedic practitioner and pharmacist, Lara Ecroyd. 

“There is nothing like the positive energy that comes with taking care of ourselves, especially our menstrual health. Getting to know your cycle better starts with the awareness that it's normal not to feel equally productive, social, and confident throughout the month. Unlike men, who function purely by the circadian rhythm, women also have an infradian rhythm (a cycle lasting longer than 24 hours), and living in balance with this is one of the best ways to support overall health.” 


“When it comes to tracking your cycle, apps like Clue or Flo are helpful, although I also think it is important not to rely on them alone. To feel more connected to our bodies and understand their natural rhythm requires a lot more than quickly inputting data. Like any relationship, it is strengthened with time and by listening. At several points during the month, I like to sit quietly and reflect. I observe what thoughts, emotions, and feelings come up and then link this back to where I am in my cycle. I often don't feel like doing this around ovulation which says a lot. Estrogen is peaking, and it's go-go-go! 

“Although this practice requires time and awareness, checking in with the body first ensures that we connect to genuine feelings. In contrast, going straight to an app can guide our thoughts to how we 'should' feel at this point when in actuality, there is no right or wrong answer,” says Ecroyd. To ensure that we are working with our cycle in the best way we can, we should do more of certain activities, and avoid other things at different stages. 


“As estrogen starts to increase, it is thought it could downregulate your stress hormones like cortisol, which makes you feel more optimistic, positive, and energized,” says women’s health doctor, Dr. Ravina Bhanot.It’s a great time to start a new project. 

 “During the first half of your cycle (the follicular phase), it's best to avoid anything that depletes the body, such as cleanses and fasts. At this time, after menstruation, the body focuses on building up the uterus lining again, so our activities should align with this. When the body tries to do one thing and the mind another, inner conflict is created,” says Ecroyd. “As the first week of the menstrual cycle approaches, make sure to consume as many vitamins as possible with a high fruit and vegetable diet,” explains skincare expert Hollie Simpson. You might have less of an appetite, but you should stock up on antioxidants, green, leafy veggies, and gut-healthy food like fiber and probiotics to give your body the energy it needs. 

“In the follicular stage we see estrogen levels rise and our skin begins to look good with a healthy glow. Many can see themselves looking their best at this stage and facial symmetry is at its best,” adds Simpson.  


“As we reach the mid-stage of ovulation, that’s when we also feel and do our best psychically. People tend to be able to hit personal bests in the gym or run for a longer period of time. This is because the rise of estrogen and our body and the nature of the menstrual cycle is preparing for the eggs to be fertilized, giving off pheromones that make us look and feel good," says Simpson. 

“Testosterone is thought to increase during this phase. You may feel stronger, aggressive, and have a greater sex drive,” says Bhanot. Biologically our body wants us to find a mate to reproduce with, so our hormones can make us feel sexy and social. It’s a great time to plan a date night, have some sexy time by yourself, or challenge yourself to a personal best in the gym. “Many women also like to organize their social calendar around their cycle, for example, doing more social activities around ovulation when we feel naturally more sociable and confident,” advises Ecroyd. Some women experience cramps during this time. It’s a great idea to increase zinc, magnesium, and dark, leafy greens in your diet. 


The luteal phase is one of the most difficult stages of the cycle, and it’s a good time to retreat, cosy up, and be alone. You could plan some self-care in, order a takeaway or eat from pre-prepared leftovers to take away any extra load of having to shop and cook. Author of Period Power, Maisie Hill, talks about how this is a good time to get deep work done. It’s also a good time to be patient with yourself and slow down. Cravings for carbs and fats are normal during this time, so eating wholegrain carbs as well as vitamin D, B6, and omegas is ultra-important to stave away cravings and deliver good-for-you nutrients. 

“Progesterone levels are high towards the end of the cycle (luteal phase), this can contribute to feelings of low mood. Exercising during this time can reduce the symptoms. Common symptoms are mood swings, bloating, acne, oily hair, breast tenderness, headache, tiredness. The week before menses (bleeding) will cause a large fluctuation in emotional thoughts and you might feel low or irritable. At least 85% of women will suffer from one PMS symptom,” says Bhanot. 

“Our bodies have a sudden dip in estrogen so we can expect to feel sluggish and low in energy at this point. We have a dip of hormones so the skin has a tendency to break out, which is known as hormonal acne,” explains Simpson. 


“Menstruation is a time of physical, emotional, and spiritual cleansing, a time for grounding and reflection. It is common to experience mild withdrawal and to feel less sociable during this time, choosing instead to focus on slower practices such as journaling and restorative yoga,” explains Ecroyd. "During active bleeding days, it is not recommended to do intense exercise, lift anything heavy, or put your head below your hips (downward dog, inversions, and forward folds).” 

“For my clients with pelvic organ prolapse, knowledge about their cycle, especially in regards to symptoms (many women feel an influx of symptoms around ovulation or menstruation) helps create a natural de-load week in their training plus the reassurance that the symptoms will fade as hormones change again,” says women’s health expert and personal trainer, Beth Davies

What about our skin? “During the first week of the menstrual cycle estrogen in the body is low which is why our skin can appear to be quite dull and lifeless at the stage. We tend to also need more moisturisation and vitamins to help brighten the skin as it can be quite dry during the first 5 days of menstruating.” Amp up vitamin b12, magnesium, omega 3, zinc and iron during this time. 


It’s worth mentioning that those on a contraceptive pill can experience a very different cycle, as natural hormones are altered. Davies explains, “Once we start to think of our cycle as our inner compass, we can harness the knowing and predictability it brings. It's the rise and fall and interplay of hormones that create different stages of our cycle. It's the opportunity to get to know ourselves, to notice any changes, and use the information to improve our overall health. It might need a sweaty gym session, or meeting friends but equally, it might be a nap and some alone time. The more we are in tune with our natural hormonal rhythm, the more we can work with our bodies and not against them." 


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Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life

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Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life

Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life

Improve mood, relationships, sex and feel more in control with cycle tracking!

Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life

Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life

Improve mood, relationships, sex and feel more in control with cycle tracking!

Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life

Work With Your Cycle To Supercharge Your Life

Improve mood, relationships, sex and feel more in control with cycle tracking!