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Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance

Boasting three different types of magnesium along with a wealth of targeted nutritional goodness, Hormone Balance helps you skip 1,000 hours of meditation to build an inner calm & quietude. Beat sluggish afternoons & find harmony with your energy & mood throughout each day with this wonder supplement!

Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance


Find calm, peace, and resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance to assist regular hormone function, promote restorative sleep, fight fatigue and improve muscle function. Suitable for vegetarians and vegans, this is a stress-busting supplement to support you when you’re experiencing dips in energy or mood.  

Why You Need It  

The change in season brings with it dark, gloomy mornings and cold temperatures, making it more difficult to get going. Instead of reaching for your usual caffeine fix, Hormone Balance can provide the energy you need to focus, thrive and keep that energy steady throughout the day.  

We’ve all been there: struggling to sit still during meditation, overwhelmed with spinning too many plates, or feeling completely depleted when you get home from work. Our lives are so busy nowadays that we have distractions vying for our attention from all angles, but what if you could find a meditative state, a sense of calm and inner peace right inside yourself? That’s right – no candles, incense, or downward dogs required! Enter: Hormone Balance. 

How It Works 

As we all know, anything worth having usually isn’t an overnight success and that’s the same for finding balance. We have to work with our bodies, give it time to catch up and work its magic when we introduce something new. A little bit every day is how Hormone Balance works with your body to build up that resilience to stress.  

Our hormones are constantly ebbing and flowing, and very often becoming completely out of whack causing all sorts of unwanted symptoms like dips in energy, low mood, stress, anxiety, depression, reduced cognitive function, gut problems, and more. Our hormones are regulated with particular nutrients, and if we’re not getting enough, our body struggles to balance our hormone production, so sometimes we need a little help in getting the most useful vitamins and minerals. That’s where Hormone Balance comes in to save the day (and our sanity!)  

“Mornings are the time of day when cortisol – the stress hormone – is at a natural high. This means we can quickly feel overwhelmed and anxious about the day ahead. Waking up after taking Hormone Balance feels different: calmer, and more in control,” says Ant. 

It contains super-targeted vitamins and minerals – magnesium, vitamin C, zinc, and copper – to fuel our bodies and regulate our hormones. 

“Magnesium deficiency is extremely common and the reason is twofold,” explains Ant. “First, our stressful lifestyles burn a lot of magnesium – more so than our ancestors who had physical, rather than mental work each day. Second, we tend not to eat enough foods high in magnesium: things like cruciferous vegetables or pumpkin seeds. This deficiency is the first thing we aim to correct with Hormone Balance, as magnesium is involved in over 300 processes in the body. We include three different forms of this precious mineral to ensure each of us absorb a therapeutic dose. In addition, the inclusion of magnesium ascorbate provides a source of vitamin C, which will help with hormonal regulation and a healthy, glowing skin.” 

Vitamin C helps to protect cells from oxidative stress caused by free radicals that can lead to all sorts of health problems. It also supports healthy energy metabolism, and contributes to the normal synthesis of collagen – important for your bones, teeth and gums, blood vessels, cartilage, and that elusive youthful glowy skin we all long for! It helps to maintain a healthy nervous system and immune system, contributes to normal muscle function, and supports psychological health. This means more energy, healthy, luminous skin, more balanced moods, and protection against illness and disease. What’s not to love?  

Zinc supports a healthy immune response too, along with testosterone production, skin and wound healing, eye health, normal growth and development, and the normal function of taste and smell. Copper is another mineral your body needs to stay in tip-top condition. It carries out important functions like making energy, connective tissues, and blood vessels, as well as helping to maintain the immune system, plus it’s vital for brain development, which means you’re more switched on, protected and your body stays in healthy working order. Plus, vitamin B6 provides a helping hand to support regular hormone activity. 

Why It’s Unique 

So what changes can you expect? In just a week, the triple dose of magnesium works to calm the nerves and reduce muscle twitches that many of us experience at night. By day 21, those anxiety-inducing morning peaks of cortisol (the stress hormone) are better managed and you feel calmer. By day 45, you might notice that you’re having fewer mood swings and brain fog is a thing of the past. Then, by day 90, you’ve said goodbye to afternoon slumps and remain alert and focused for the whole day meaning you’re likely to get more done – cue your best productive self! By day 180, you’ve built an inner calm and meditative disposition. From there on, you’re functioning at a steady zen-like state and everyone’s wondering just how you do it!  

Expert Advice 

Hormone Balance builds resilience to help you cope better when stress arises. It also reduces tiredness and supports hormonal wellbeing – ideal for women experiencing perimenopause, menopause, or post-menopause, and for those with PMS symptoms like cramps and mood swings. 

“Painful PMS is often associated with low levels of magnesium and vitamin B6, both of which are abundant in Hormone Balance. This lack of magnesium might even explain why you find yourself craving chocolate at that time of the month, as cacao contains naturally occurring magnesium (so long as you go for the dark kind),” says Ant. 

Hormone Balance even supports pregnant women or those who are breastfeeding. “We specifically formulated 

Hormone Balance to be safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. We know how much of a difference this can make, particularly when you’re trying to keep some sense of a day/night rhythm,” shares Ant. 

Our hormones can often leave us feeling depleted, frustrated, and withdrawn, but Hormone Balance aims to restore a sense of calm from within without relying on external sources. “Yoga and meditation are great ways to reduce your stress levels, while Hormone Balance is here to help you better manage your stressors no matter what comes your way.” It’s a way to bring you back to yourself and find that inner strength so we can find clarity and calm in the everyday. 

Perfect pairing 

Struggling to sleep? Pair Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance with Unplug to catch some more zzz’s! Hormone Balance helps you to wind down, then Unplug swoops in to help you drift off and get more restorative REM sleep which means you’ll wake up more refreshed, ready to tackle the day ahead.  

As well as boasting targeted nutritious support that works, Motion Nutrition is also a plastic-free and eco-conscious brand, so it’s good for you, and good for the planet! Experience less stress, feel calmer and more resilient to live a healthy, happier life with Hormone Balance. 


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This content was brought to you in partnership with Motion Nutrition.


Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance

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Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance

Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance

Bid goodbye to stress, mood swings & afternoon slumps, & say hello to balanced energy & mood.

Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance

Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance

Bid goodbye to stress, mood swings & afternoon slumps, & say hello to balanced energy & mood.

Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance

Find inner calm, peace & resilience with Motion Nutrition’s Hormone Balance

Bid goodbye to stress, mood swings & afternoon slumps, & say hello to balanced energy & mood.