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Source Marine Smoothing Eye Care 15ml

Prix de vente£24.16 GBP

Taxes exclues


Parched, thirsty skin will benefit from this ultra-hydrating formula infused with Sève Bleue des Océans and Thalgo’s patented Micronised Marine Algae complex. Supercharged with a high-molecular weight hyaluronic acid—which is able to hold 1000 times its weight in water—the delicate skin around the eye is instantly rehydrated and plumped. Given this area is one of the first to show the signs of dehydration and ageing—including fine lines and wrinkles—ensuring it remains well-hydrated minimises and revives even the most tired and dehydrated eyes.

Source Marine Smoothing Eye Care 15ml
Source Marine Smoothing Eye Care 15ml Prix de vente£24.16 GBP

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