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Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon

Nourish your body and your tastebuds with this delicious cookie-flavored smoothie with hormone-balancing nutritional goodness that can ease painful cramps, hot flushes, alleviate anxiety and depression, and enhance mood.

Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon


When we’re feeling unbalanced, whether that’s down to PMS, trying for a baby, or experiencing menopausal symptoms, it can throw everything else out of whack, altering our mood, energy, sleep, and even relationships. As well as tracking your cycle to get to know your needs and how you feel at different times during your menstrual cycle, fertility journey, and menopause, it’s a good idea to have some nourishing pick-me-ups to turn to when we need it too! 

That’s where this delicious hormone-balancing smoothie comes in. Not only is it nutritionally balanced, but it also tastes like a cinnamon cookie, and that kind of home comfort is exactly what we need when our energy or mood has taken a dip. 

Maca root, which usually comes ground in powder form, has an earthy, nutty taste often likened to malted milk. Yum! It’s a herbal adaptogen that can strengthen our body’s emotional and psychological response to stress.  

Adaptogens regulate hormones to bring the body back to the ideal state of “homeostasis” including regulating the stress hormone, cortisol. This reduction in stress means that the body is able to produce other hormones in the right amounts that can enhance mood, alleviate anxiety and depression, reduce hot flushes in symptoms in women experiencing menopause, create more consistency for women with irregular menstruation cycles, and reduce painful cramps. Traditionally, maca was used to enhance fertility and sex drive but it’s also thought to improve energy, stamina, memory, and learning for an all-round glow-up! 

Flaxseeds are a nutrient and fiber-rich seed and can support women by promoting normal ovulation and restoring hormonal balance in the first half of the cycle. Incorporating flaxseed into your diet can ease symptoms of estrogen dominance like reduce night sweats and hot flashes, lessen PMS symptoms like bloating, pain, and mood swings, improve sleep, increase the regularity of menstruation cycles, and assist with weight loss. 

The addition of almond butter brings a whole other dimension to this creamy smoothie. Its rich texture adds thickness, and it’s also great for regulating energy levels to keep you satisfied for longer. If you experience skin breakouts because of hormones, the almond butter in this smoothie could help to reduce them. Almonds impact our endocrine system which regulates the major glands to balance our body out. Plus, almonds contain high levels of vitamin E, an antioxidant to protect against oxidative stress that could cause long-term health conditions. 

Finally, cinnamon not only adds a sweet, spicy flavor to your smoothie but also reduces insulin resistance in women with PCOS and lowers inflammation which can help with pain from menstrual cramps. It can also regulate blood sugar levels to keep your energy and mood on an even keel and support gut health. Since hormones are produced in the gut, this is vital! 

On top of all these hormone-balancing ingredients, you’ll also need vanilla extract for extra cookie flavor, unsweetened dairy-free milk like almond, oat, or coconut to make it creamy, ice cubes, Medjool dates for a hit of natural sweetness that give a slight caramel taste, and you can also add raw vegan protein powder as an optional extra if you want to increase your protein intake in a post-workout shake to support your recovery. 

Hormone imbalances are difficult but caring for your body through supportive nutrition can help you find a sense of inner calm and contentment. You could try this comforting, creamy smoothie as a way to start your day, nourish your body and keep your energy levels high until lunchtime. It’s especially great during fall thanks to the warming cinnamon. Whizz up, enjoy, and get back to feeling more like yourself! 


2 tbsp almond butter  

2 tbsp ground flaxseed  

1 - 2 tsp maca powder  

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon  

(Optional) 1 tbsp raw protein powder  

1 tsp vanilla extract  

360 ml / 1 1/2 cups unsweetened dairy-free milk (try almond, oat, or coconut)  

(Approx) 10 ice cubes  

2 Medjool dates, pitted 

How to make it

  1. Simply blend all the ingredients together in a blender.  
  2. Taste and adjust your flavors accordingly (for example, add more dates if you’d like it sweeter or more powder if you’d like it thicker)  
  3. Serve, and enjoy!   

Additional Information 

Calories: 280kcal | Fat: 14g | Carbohydrates: 34g | Protein: 16g 


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The recipe featured in this story is not associated with COSME Magazine and does not endorse it or the products shown.

Recipe WallFlowerKitchen.Com | Image TheLittlestCrumb.Com


Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon

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Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon

Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon

Nourish your body with this comforting cookie-flavored smoothie to ease PMS & menopause symptoms. 

Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon

Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon

Nourish your body with this comforting cookie-flavored smoothie to ease PMS & menopause symptoms. 

Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon

Hormone Balancing Vegan Smoothie With Almond, Maca & Cinamon

Nourish your body with this comforting cookie-flavored smoothie to ease PMS & menopause symptoms.