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Mind & Body

Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know

With powerful antioxidant benefits that delivers radiant, youthful skin, enhanced brain function and a supercharged immune system, superfood chlorella was the first whole-food to fuel astronauts in space. Not only is it rich in essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients, but it’s vegan, high in protein, low in calories, and a completely sustainable source of essential omega-3 fatty acids. Learn all about why this algae-derived superfood could be the best healthy addition to your morning routine!

Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know


Providing immune and recovery support, detoxification, radiant skin, and boosted energy levels, Nanno Phi’s Premium Chlorella Tablets are the superfood you need to add to your morning routine. 

Packed full of good-for-you vitamins and minerals, and one of the highest concentrations of chlorophyll in any plant, Premium Chlorella Tablets are a high-quality vegan protein that is organic, sustainable, and additive-free. Its extreme nutrient density meant that it was the first whole-food that was taken into space so we mean it when we say, it’s out-of-this-world good – the perfect level of nutrition for daily consumption. 


First, a lesson on chlorella. Chlorella is tiny, single-cell algae that live in freshwater ponds and lakes. To create the chlorella tablets, the algae is dried and crushed down into tablets. The reason they’re a superfood, aka super good for you, is that they boast a long list of vitamins and minerals that support your health. It contains 50-60% protein (twice as much as spinach!) and all nine essential amino acids, omega 3, lutein – a carotenoid that’s great for eye health, vitamin K, calcium, potassium, vitamin C, iron, zinc, magnesium, vitamin B12 and phytonutrient chlorophyll (which gives it it’s vivid green color.) You can take all of these vitamins and minerals separately with different supplements or you can get your fix in one, easy-to-take green-hued supplement with Premium Chlorella Tablets. 

You might remember chlorophyll from your school science lessons. It’s the green pigment plants use to make energy from sunlight and thought by many to rid the body of toxins when consumed. Nowadays, millions of people take it in Japan – similar to how we take vitamin C, and its uptake is only increasing as its wellbeing benefits reach far and wide.  

Algae supplements are having a moment. Many of us are looking for more ways to be sustainable as well as a natural focus on the ocean thanks to how the global climate crisis is affecting marine life – we all want to learn more about what’s beneath the surface while discovering sources of protein that don’t come from animals or fish, and algae-derived Premium Chlorella Tablets are the sustainable option.  

We can’t argue with the benefits of their high omega-3 levels either. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for our health to support cardiovascular function, nervous system health, immunity, memory and concentration, mood, and blood sugar control. Our body doesn’t naturally produce omega-3 so it’s essential to gain the important nutrients through diet or supplements. 

Sourcing omega-3 from fish and krill oils are popular but are increasingly unsustainable and problematic because of their levels of toxicity due to heavy metals and pesticides. In comparison, algae omega-3 are a more sustainable source of DHA and EPA, the important fatty acids we need.  


Chlorella has a whole host of juicy benefits including a natural detoxifier that supports your immune system, helps to slow down skin aging and therefore boosts luminosity, and aids weight loss. In a Korean study, 51 healthy adults were given 5g of chlorella a day for eight weeks. At the end of the trial, their bodies had increased levels of immune proteins known to defend against bacteria.  

They’re also known for their antioxidant and anti-aging benefits. Chlorella is shown to have an ability to bind to harmful heavy metals in the body, which are then flushed out in natural waste, aiding the detoxification of toxins in the body to support better health.  

These antioxidant-rich benefits mean that they could protect against damaging free radicals caused by pollution and other environmental aggressors, and which can ultimately lead to aging skin. In a study, smokers who took 6g of the micro-algae had 44% more antioxidant vitamin C in their blood than those who took a placebo. A tablet a day for enhanced youth and radiance? Yes, please! 

In another study, chlorella helped to shrink fat cells and block the production of new ones, plus it was found to reduce the levels of lipids (fats) in blood serum, meaning it could help with weight loss.  


Solidifying it as a superfood, the International Space Station said, “Astronauts on future long-duration spaceflight missions to the Moon and Mars could rely on microalgae to supply essentials including food, water, and oxygen.” 

Its name, chlorella, actually originates from the Greek word for ‘green’, a reference to its vivid color. Its high-protein, low-calorie, nutrient-dense make-up means that Premium Chlorella Tablets are fast becoming one of the easiest ways to get all the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals you need to boost your immunity and antioxidant levels for better health and glowing skin. If it’s good enough to fuel astronauts, it’s good enough for us. 

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Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know

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Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know
Mind & Body

Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know

Everything you need to know about the nutrient-dense superfood that was taken into space.

Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know
Mind & Body

Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know

Everything you need to know about the nutrient-dense superfood that was taken into space.

Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know
Mind & Body

Chlorella Tablets: Everything You Need To Know

Everything you need to know about the nutrient-dense superfood that was taken into space.