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Precio de oferta£36.66 GBP

Impuestos excluidos.

SKU: MED_IK8-006



Smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles while improving overall skin texture and tone with this plant-based vitamin A (retinol) alternative.

Harnessing the clinically proven but gentle power of 1.25% bakuchiol (pronounced 'bak-oo-chi-ol'), Bakuchiol Peptides is the perfect age-defying option for those who can't use retinol (e.g. during pregnancy or while nursing).

This lightweight and calming serum works to deliver a visibly smoother, plumper, and youthful-looking complexion that's more even in tone and texture. Plus, another of Medik8's innovative stability systems ensures the formula remains potent and effective until the very last drop.

BAKUCHIOL PEPTIDES Precio de oferta£36.66 GBP

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