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Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022

Wellness has become an anchor for many of us still living with an uncertain future, but how are we actually looking after ourselves? We consulted the experts and statistics to predict the ways we’ll improve our fitness, health, wellbeing and nutrition next year.

Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022


With the start of a new year comes a yearning for change; for fresh starts and transformations. While the majority of our New Year’s resolutions tend to be abandoned after a month, becoming healthier, fitter, stronger in mind, body, and spirit is at the forefront of our minds. With that in mind, we’ve discovered the wellness trends we’re likely to see throughout the year that could help you on your path to becoming a better you.  


After COVID-19, it comes as no surprise that more people are aware of and keen to protect and strengthen their immune systems. Bupa reports an 84% increase in searches on Google for ‘boost immune system’, along with a 60% increase in searches for ‘low immune system’, and a 50% increase in searches for ‘strengthen immune system’. “We’re still navigating our way out of the global coronavirus pandemic, so looking after yourself has never been more important,” says Dr. Elizabeth Rogers.  

“A strong immune system isn’t something you develop overnight but instead boosting your health and fitness in the weeks leading up to a much-anticipated event can make a huge difference.  

“Start the new year right by boosting your immune system by eating a more varied diet, sleeping well, getting your daily dose of vitamin D (add a supplement during the winter months), and practicing regular handwashing”, says Dr. Rogers.  


According to Bupa, on Google, there was an 83% increase in searches for ‘gut health’, and a 60% increase in searches for ‘gut-brain axis’.  

Dr. Elizabeth Rogers said, “Prioritizing your gut health is increasingly popular. Gut health can refer both to your digestive system also known as your gastrointestinal (GI) tract – and the balance of bacteria in your gut. Your gut digests food, houses a range of bacteria, absorbs energy and nutrients, and gets rid of waste products.”  

“Your diet is one of the biggest influences on our gut health, so it’s important to eat a variety of foods, including whole foods, fruit, and vegetables. Processed foods are often high in additives and preservatives, and these can disrupt the healthy bacteria in your gut.”  

Probiotics and prebiotics are also healthy additions to improve gut health. “Both prebiotics and probiotics encourage the development and maintenance of a healthy colony of bacteria and other microorganisms, which supports the gut and aids digestion. It has a significant impact on your health and can even influence your mood and behavior,” explains nutritional therapist, Ami Sheward.  


Be it experimenting with vegan, vegetarian, or flexitarian diets (when you eat both plant-based and meat-based meals), consuming more clean beauty products, and consuming less plastic when it comes to household items, packaging, and food produce, we’ve all become hyper-aware of how our lifestyles can impact the environment around us. Thanks to eco-warriors like Greta Thunberg and David Attenborough, more of us want to do more to preserve the planet.  

Bupa reports a 418% increase in searches on Google for ‘climate anxiety’, and a 238% increase in searches for ‘eco anxiety’. Dr. Elizabeth Rogers shares her thoughts: “You aren’t alone in your feelings - millions of people across the world will be feeling the same as you. Taking notice of your feelings and turning those into positive actions can support your wellbeing, but also make a difference for the planet.  

“To make sure your eco-friendly habits stick, start by making one or two small changes to live a greener and build them up over time. For example, choose local, seasonal foods where possible, and reduce food waste by planning meals in advance.” 


A worldwide pandemic bought personal health and fitness to the forefront of everyone’s minds as our mortality came into sharp focus. It also became more accessible – working out at home was normalized and gym equipment sales soared. When gyms closed, fitness brands began streaming classes through social media and their own apps and subscription services. According to Bupa, there was an 83% increase in searches on Google for ‘fitness tracker’. Fitness and health tracking smartwatches became more popular to track progress with real-time statistics. Portable wellness tools, driven by technology in general, will continue to increase.  

“Technology has been at the forefront of fitness since the COVID-19 pandemic began, and it will continue to be in 2022. With more streaming options and at-home fitness programs, people will be looking to tap into that ease and flexibility to stay healthy and fit. It's already evident in the number of companies that stream fitness content. Additionally, we saw a rise in at-home fitness equipment. Peloton, for example, has experienced bike shortages,” says fitness instructor, Muffy Lavens.  


Experiencing an unprecedented pandemic sent stress levels soaring for many of us in the past two years. Bupa reports an 80% increase for searches on ‘stress tracker’ and a 50% increase in searches on Google for ‘cortisol level’.  

“Another trend for the new year is tracking your stress levels. Some fitness and stress trackers worn on your wrist are now able to track your cortisol levels, but there are other options. Try taking note of any physical or mental stress symptoms, including pain or tension in your body, digestive problems such as nausea or constipation, and an increased heart rate. Emotional signs to look for include irritability, anger, feeling overwhelmed, and racing thoughts,” says Rogers.  

As we look for healthy, natural ways to reduce stress, we might turn to CBD to take the edge off. 


“Relaxation techniques – like breathing exercises or mindfulness – can ease any stress or worry you’re feeling. Practice these techniques when you’re feeling relaxed to start with and find out what works best for you.”  

According to Bupa, Google searches for ‘mindful moving’ increased by 80% whilemindful exercising’ increased by 53%, and ‘mindful running’ by 23%. Expect an increased consumption of natural, alternative superfoods and adaptogens with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties like reishi, maca, ashwagandha, turmeric, holy basil, and ginseng, traditionally used in Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine healing.  

“Whilst you may not feel like it, daily exercise releases feel-good chemicals in your brain. Exercising outdoors has plenty of benefits too, including boosting your mood and improving your self-esteem.”


Bupa reports an 88% increase in searches on Google for ‘mood tracker journal’.“After a turbulent year that’s placed great pressure on our mental health, mood journaling is becoming more and more popular”, shares Dr. Rogers. “Keeping a mood journal, or emotion journal can be a useful way to get to the root of lingering negative feelings (and increase positive ones). Writing down your feelings has been shown to reduce your feelings of anxiety and depression, too.”  


A lack of good quality sleep can mean our body doesn’t function properly. It affects everything from our energy, mood, and cognitive function to our appetite, digestion, sex drive, and skin health. Our bodies experience the most repair and restoration when we’re sleeping. “With the stress and uncertainty of Covid, friends, and family falling ill, hybrid learning and work settings, and more, millions of Americans are struggling with adequate sleep. In a normal year, 1/3 of Americans have trouble falling asleep and staying asleep,” says sleep health specialist Victoria Wildhorn. She explains that common new year’s resolutions like improving mental health, getting fitter, and losing weight can be improved with a better night’s sleep. 

Now, thanks to sleep tracking devices on smartwatches and apps, we all know how much sleep we’re really getting, and we will look for ways to improve our sleep quality.  


Whether its improving sleep, getting stronger, boosting your immune system or reducing anxiety – whatever your goals – let these wellness trends inspire you to create a healthier, stronger, better you. 

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Photography Amberly Valentine | Model Aisha


Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022

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Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022

Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022

Discover the leading ways we’ll look after ourselves in mind, body, and spirit next year. 

Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022

Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022

Discover the leading ways we’ll look after ourselves in mind, body, and spirit next year. 

Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022

Wellness Trends You Need To Know in 2022

Discover the leading ways we’ll look after ourselves in mind, body, and spirit next year.