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Mind & Body

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It

Fish oil and krill oil are packed full of heart-healthy goodness, skin-clearing nutrients, and mood-enhancing merits that help you to stay healthier every day. Here’s a breakdown of why they’re good for you, and a buyer's guide on how to choose the right fish oil supplement for you (including the vegan alternatives.)

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It


When you’re looking at ways to stay healthy, every nutritionist recommends including superfood omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, and fish oil or krill oil supplements are an easy way to incorporate these essential nutrients. “Omega-3 Fatty acids, commonly known as fish oils, are a group of essential polyunsaturated fats which means that our body can’t produce them and therefore they must be obtained through food or supplements,” says nutrition and lifestyle coach Saba Stone.  

With their myriad of health benefits, from enhancing heart health, to helping to alleviate depression and supporting clear, healthy skin, it might be time to consider adding fish oil, krill oil, or plant-based alternatives like algae oil and flaxseed oil into your diet.  


Fish oil is derived from oily fish like salmon, tuna, herring, and sardines, whereas krill oil comes from a shrimp-like crustacean called krill. Both ocean-derived supplements boast high levels of omega-3 to support your health, and two of the key omega-3s that they’re both rich in are eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).  


Stone tells us, "There are three types of omega-3 fatty acids:   

“Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). These are found in dark oily fish such as salmon, sardines, and mackerel although choose Atlantic mackerel because king mackerel is higher in contaminants.  

“Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) – this is found in vegetable oils, nuts, and seeds such as flaxseed oil, walnuts, and chia seeds. It is also found in dairy products of animals fed on grass – in much smaller amounts though. The conversion rate of ALA in our body to EPA and DHA is very limited and for this very reason vegetarians need to have omega-3 supplements to close the gap in EPA and DHA deficiency.” So why do we need EPA and DHA?  


“When omega-3 fatty acids are consumed through our diet, they are incorporated into the cell membranes of all tissues in our body. They also take part in the production of hormones that regulate blood clotting and are anti-inflammatory. They have been shown to help prevent cardiovascular diseases, help control skin inflammation, and reduce acne breakouts. Clinical study results have shown that omega-3 supplementation may contribute to the improvement of general skin conditions.”  


“Whilst both contain similar amounts of EPA and DHA, the structure of the omega acids in krill oil is in phospholipids form – different from the ones in fish oil which is in triglycerides form. Some studies show that the difference in the structure increases the absorption rate of fatty acids in krill oil, however, there are not enough research studies to conclusively support this,” says Stone. 

“In addition, krill oil is a rich source of a super-antioxidant called astaxanthin which is not present in fish oil. Since fish oil is more widely available, it is more affordable than krill oil. If you need to supplement your diet with omega-3 oils and cost is a concern, then fish oil may be a more reasonable option.”  


These types of omega-3 fats support a healthy heart and blood circulation. In countries where people eat more oily fish (and therefore consume more omega-3 fats) like Japan, Greenland, and the Mediterranean, fewer people have heart disease compared to places where people eat very little oily fish, like the UK. Not only this, but they also live longer, lead generally healthier lives, and report being happier, so it could be an indication that oily fish is a food that can help boost your mood too!  

Omega-3 fats DHA and EPA can help protect the blood vessels and heart from disease. They do this by lowering triglycerides (a fat that enters our blood after a meal), improving circulation, preventing blood clots, lowering blood pressure, and keeping the rhythm of your heart steady.  


Omega-3s can support your gut health and provide skin with a glowing appearance. This is thanks to its ability to regulate skin oil production, inhibit breakouts, minimize signs of aging, and balance hydration. If our skin is too dry, it often causes the overproduction of oil which leads to breakouts.  

Research suggests that omega-3 can also boost the skin’s immunity against harmful UV rays, which can cause premature aging and skin cancer.  


Some studies have shown that omega-3 supplements like fish or krill oil can help to reduce pain, ease morning stiffness and alleviate joint tenderness in people with rheumatoid arthritis. Some studies suggest that taking them can reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medications, which is often what GPs prescribe for joint pain. Other natural sources of anti-inflammatories include turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and garlic.  


Despite more research being needed, recent studies suggest that increasing omega-3 in your diet can make significant improvements to the symptoms of depression. Your brain needs the types of fatty acids in omega-3s to function properly, and it’s thought that those who experience depression are more deficient in EPA and DHA.   

Studies have shown that omega-3 can reduce the psychiatric symptoms of PMS like depression, anxiety, nervousness, and lack of concentration. They may also reduce somatic PMS symptoms like headaches, breast tenderness, and bloating.  


“It is best to get your omega-3 fatty acids from your food as you will also be intaking a wealth of vitamins and minerals as a well as EPA and DHA. If you don’t eat fish or other seafood, omega oil supplements may be beneficial to you. Vegans and vegetarians can supplement their EPA and DHA deficiency through algae oil supplements.” Flaxseed oil is also a good plant-based option!  

All the benefits sound great, but how do we choose which one to buy? Stone has given us the ultimate guide to shopping for omega-3 supplements.  

What factors to consider when choosing your omega-3 supplements  

“Purity – Is the supplement purified to eliminate the potential contaminants?”  

“Stability – Is it stabilized so that it does not go rancid?”  

“Format – Liquid supplements are easy to swallow whilst it may have some fishy smell. Capsules may be preferred by those who are averse to fishy smell.”  

“Flavour – If flavored, is it natural or artificial?”  

“Allergens – Always check the label for allergen information.”  

“If pregnant, check the label that it is free from Vitamin A or retinol and is safe for


“Always read the label and consult with your doctor if you are under medical supervision before taking supplements.”  


Boasting anti-inflammatory properties, heart-healthy goodness, as well as providing a boost for the mind and body, omega-3 supplements could be the nutrients your body needs to thrive, not just survive.  


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Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It

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Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It
Mind & Body

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It
Mind & Body

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It
Mind & Body

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It

Fish Oil Vs Krill Oil: What It Is & Why You Should Take It