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Organic & Botanic Amazonian Berry Balancing Facial Serum 30ml

Angebot£13.33 GBP

zzgl. MwSt.


This botanical-infused facial serum combines a luxurious blend of oils and plant extracts that nourish and soothe the skin, providing deep hydration throughout the day. It is vegan-friendly, organic, and free from harmful preservatives. With active ingredients like Vitamin B5, Echinacea, and Aloe Vera, this serum promotes soft and healthy skin, fights blemishes, tightens skin cells, and deeply hydrates for a more youthful, radiant complexion.

Organic & Botanic Amazonian Berry Balancing Facial Serum 30ml
Organic & Botanic Amazonian Berry Balancing Facial Serum 30ml Angebot£13.33 GBP

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