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High Potency Night-A-Mins Oil-Free Resurfacing Cream With Fruit-Derived AHAs 50ml

Angebot£28.00 GBP

zzgl. MwSt.


Now formulated with Fruit-Derived AHAs from Grapes & Sugar Beets, this oil-free overnight hydrator sloughs off dry, dead layers of skin. Plus, Vitamins B, C, E, H & Calcium help replenish & fortify skin against as you're lulled to sleep by essential oils of Neroli, Valerian & Vanilla. You'll wake to refreshed, resurfaced skin.

High Potency Night-A-Mins Oil-Free Resurfacing Cream With Fruit-Derived AHAs 50ml
High Potency Night-A-Mins Oil-Free Resurfacing Cream With Fruit-Derived AHAs 50ml Angebot£28.00 GBP

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