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Face Moisturiser Rose

Angebot£15.75 GBP

zzgl. MwSt.


This luxurious and deeply hydrating cream is formulated with a potent blend of rejuvenating properties of Vitamin E, antioxidant-rich essence of Pomegranate, Rosehip and Gotu Kola and soothing benefits of Aloe Vera. These natural ingredients work in harmony to nourish and revitalise your skin, leaving it soft, supple, and with a youthful radiance. Pamper your skin with the soothing essence of roses and embrace a revitalised, glowing complexion. Gently scented
with pure Rose Essential Oil. Benefits: Hydrating, Soothing, Revitalising. Results: Firmer skin, More radiant complexion, Nourished and thoroughly hydrated. Organic, vegan, natural, cruelty-free.

Face Moisturiser Rose
Face Moisturiser Rose Angebot£15.75 GBP

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