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Mind & Body

Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better

If getting fitter, leaner, stronger or putting on size is at the top of your agenda, maximize your gains with these top tips to support every workout. 


Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better


Getting active is a great way to help you feel and look better in whatever stage of life you’re at. That rush of endorphins you get after exercise is a natural high you can’t beat – they call it movement medicine for a reason! Whether it’s trying something new, moving a little more each day or hitting some personal records; whether you’re a hiker at heart, a yogi, a spinner, a runner, Zumba-lover, or Crossfit-obsessed, try these training tips to support every workout and achieve your active goals with ease. 

Get active 

Since many of us now work from home, making time for movement becomes increasingly more important as many of us are living more sedentary lifestyles. Find a type of exercise that suits you, your lifestyle, and your goals, and that might be a mixture of things, from slow and steady yoga to an intense HIIT or spin session. You might choose to do a fast-paced circuit class or spend your afternoon hiking.   

The NHS recommends getting at least 150 minutes of exercise each week spread out evenly over the week. That could equate to 30 minutes of high intensity exercise 5 times a week, or moderate hour-long sessions. Getting outside in nature is proven to increase your happiness too. To increase your daily movement, you could take a 20-minute walk before work, on your lunch break, or after work, or take the stairs when you usually take the lift or escalator. Is there anywhere you attend in your daily life that you could walk to instead of drive to increase your steps each day?  

Support your workouts and active lifestyle with protein and supplements that increase and sustain your energy, and help you recover faster. 

Power Up

You know you’ll feel amazing after your workout, but getting there is often the hardest part. For more va-va-voom to fuel your workouts, or just your day, reach for energy-boosting supplements that give you more drive, determination and focus to reach your goals. 

Supplements that give you energy can improve physical and mental performance and clarity, assist cognitive function (so you’re sharper with better memory recall), reduce tiredness and fatigue, and can stimulate blood flow in the brain. Ignite that fire inside to power-up! 

Start burning 

If losing weight is your goal, slow and steady wins the race. Quick fixes and restrictive diets are rarely sustainable, as dieticians and nutritionists will attest to. It’s about creating lifelong habits with healthier lifestyle choices.  

As well as exercising regularly, some healthy nutrition and lifestyle guidelines to keep in mind to look after and support your body to work at its best, and lose weight, are: take care of your gut health with probiotics and prebiotics; try to eat 30 different types of vegetables, fruit and herbs each week; minimize high saturated fat and high-sugar foods; choose whole grains over white, refined carbohydrates; avoid or minimize processed foods; consume a protein-rich and fiber-rich diet; avoid alcohol and smoking, get enough sleep each night; drink 2-3 liters of water each day; and adopt stress-management techniques. 

It’s important to note here that everyone is different, from goals to lifestyle and accessibility, and we can only do our best with what we’ve got. Weight loss supplements can also give you a helping hand to support weight loss goals.  

Get Pumped 

Whether you’re wanting to get leaner, stronger, faster or lose weight, consuming enough protein is vital for muscle repair and recovery. When you exercise, very small tears occur in muscles and fibers. When these are rebuilt naturally by your body, they come back stronger (and often larger). Protein is the fuel that supports that repair-and-build process to increase muscle mass, muscle strength, and athletic performance. Protein allows you to keep training at a level that suits you, instead of being struck out by pain, DOMS, injury or fatigue. 

An active adult should consume about 20-40 grams of protein in each meal to reach the recommended daily amount – easier said than done with busy schedules and life pressures! Top yours up with a protein supplement. Guzzling a delicious protein shake down just after a workout is ideal for replacing your body with some much-needed energy and fuel for repair after a big training session. Plus, it tastes good! 

Stay Hydrated 

If you’re not hydrated, you won’t be able to perform at your highest level, whether that’s in your workout or everyday life. Water is required in just about every bodily function. When you don’t drink enough, your body will start to break down. 

It also helps to support normal energy levels to prevent fatigue, balances your mood, enhances endurance and concentration levels, and keeps your brain functioning at its best for mental clarity and better decision-making. Plus, it supports your gut health, digestion, and body temperature regulation.  

Thirst isn’t the only indication that you need water. In fact, if you’re thirsty, you’re probably already dehydrated. Check the color of your urine to ensure you’re well-hydrated – always aim for pale and clear. When you’re exercising, sports drinks and supplements can give you that extra boost of hydration with added electrolytes and nutrients to replace what you’ve lost in your workout and enhance recovery. 

New year, better you  

Boost your health and wellbeing with these top tips to start the year as you mean to go on – healthy, pumped and happy! 

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Photography| | Antoni Bernad - | | Richard Ramos -


Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better

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Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better
Mind & Body

Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better

Support your active lifestyle with these top tips for achieving your training goals.

Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better
Mind & Body

Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better

Support your active lifestyle with these top tips for achieving your training goals.

Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better
Mind & Body

Healthy Habits To Help You Feel & Look Better

Support your active lifestyle with these top tips for achieving your training goals.