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Mind & Body

Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work

POV: It’s the morning after the night before & you need hangover remedies fast. We’ve got you! These all-natural methods will help to rehydrate you, replace any lost vitamins & nutrients & restore your energy, mood & digestion after a heavy night of drinking.

Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work


Holiday season celebrations are in full swing and all fun and games until you get hit with the world’s worst hangover the morning after. You might be experiencing nausea, vomiting, headaches, diarrhea, and be wondering, ‘can I die from a hangover?’ 

You can’t function properly thanks to reduced cognitive function, dry mouth from dehydration, fatigue, and cravings. Perhaps the night’s a little blurry and the anxiety has set in, or you’re furiously scrolling through the group chat worrying about things you said and did. (Did you say something you’ll regret? Did you text your ex?) While we can’t turn back the clock, we can share the all-natural hangover cures to help you recover a little faster, to get you back to your best self. 


 Firstly, let’s understand why we get hangovers. “Many of the harmful side-effects of drinking are produced by alcohol and its metabolite, acetaldehyde. It's toxic to our bodies so we need to break it down and eliminate it, which is what our detoxification system does,” says plant-based nutritionist Ellie Busby. 

When we drink a little too much, our liver works hard to excrete the toxins from our bodies. This is where antioxidants should become your best friends. Antioxidants' role is to remove toxins from your body so that it can function properly. If you know you’ve got some big night-outs coming up, it’s worth amping up antioxidants in your diet to help your body to detoxify and cleanse. And these are the keywords here: detoxify and cleanse. We want to get as much alcohol out of the system as quickly as possible to stop it from causing us to feel like we’ve been hit by a bus! 

And the number one rule? No reaching for the “hair of the dog”! We can confirm that the Bloody Mary will make you feel a whole lot worse in the long run. It will only delay your hangover. 


Alcohol inhibits your sleep hormone (melatonin) so while you may have thought you’ve gotten your recommended eight hours, it’s likely that the sleep quality you got wasn’t great. A lack of sleep can cause all kinds of issues internally, and make you feel lethargic, dizzy, and downright rotten since your body hasn’t had that restorative sleep it needs to reset, so schedule an afternoon nap between your Netflix binge.  


While water is one of the best ways to detoxify and cleanse your body (especially after drinking alcohol the night before), coconut water is even better. When you drink alcohol, your electrolyte levels deplete which is why you can get the shakes the day after. Electrolytes are things like potassium, sodium, and magnesium – vital for healthy bodily functions like producing energy and contracting muscles, and coconut water contains a truckload of them including B-complex vitamins, vitamin C amino acids, enzymes, and antioxidants, so you can feel less fatigued and headachy. If you don’t have coconut water, reach for electrolyte-rich food and supplements. 


If you’re suffering from an upset stomach with nausea or vomiting, this zingy tonic could be perfect. Ginger will settle your stomach, lemon will cleanse and detox your body, and turmeric can reduce inflammation and pain – ideal to rejuvenate you after a heavy night! If you don’t have the ingredients in the cupboard, try a tummy-calming supplement and probiotics. 


We know a green smoothie is the last thing you probably feel like drinking right now, but trust us! If you can stomach it, you need to get as much fresh fruit and veggies in your system as possible. 

Whizz up spinach, kale, celery, banana, apple, filtered water or coconut water, ginger, fresh turmeric, and the juice of a lemon. Feel free to play around with what you have in the fridge. “Eating lots of leafy greens helps the body to detox from the alcohol so this is important the day after drinking,” says nutritional therapist Holly Zoccolan.  

Oh, and beetroot can work wonders for liver health – needed after one too many! (Be careful with this one – removing beet stains is not something you want to be doing on a hangover – that could really tip you over the edge!) And, don’t even think about starving yourself – your body will be crying out for nourishing foods, vitamins, and minerals to restore your body back to good health. “You also want to make sure you are eating balanced meals containing lots of healthy fats, good quality protein, fiber and greens too! Fiber is going to be important for the body to flush out the alcohol so lots of vegetables and high-fiber foods such as flax seeds and chia seeds will help with this,” says Zoccolan. 


Apparently, Kylie Jenner and her friends swear by chlorophyll drops to help prevent hangovers by dropping them in their h2o before they start drinking alcohol, but it’s just as good after the main event! Chlorophyll, which gives plants their green color, helps to detoxify the body of toxins, creates a balancing alkalizing effect on the body, provides oxygen to the blood, and increases magnesium – a mineral that many of us are deficient in and can help more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body! Up your intake with chlorophyll drops or tablets. 


While it’s easy to stay horizontal on the sofa all day watching Netflix, getting outside for a brisk walk and some fresh air can work wonders. If you can, get a sweat on to increase the detoxification process so you can literally sweat the sins away! Just remember to keep chugging on your water bottle to keep your hydration levels high. If you can’t face the outside world, try a yoga flow to get your body moving. You can even find online yoga classes specifically for detoxing, cleansing and hangovers now! The endorphins exercise releases are also super helpful to give you a natural high to balance out your hormones when alcohol (as a depressant) means your mood has taken a nosedive. 


While you might want to wrap yourself in a cocoon and shut off from the world, grabbing a shower can make you feel a million times better. To level up the detoxification process, take your normal warm shower and bask in the freshness, then for the final 30 seconds, turn the temperature to cold and breathe through it! This transition from hot to cold enhances the detoxification process and can make you feel invigorated with more energy!  


While curing a hangover is a bit of a waiting game, these natural hangover remedies can help to speed up the process, and if you want three top tips for advice? Hydrate with as much good-for-you fluids as you can, replace the vitamins and minerals you’ve lost with lots of nourishing food and supplements and get some more sleep! See you on the other side! 


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The model featured in this story is not associated with COSME Magazine and does not endorse it or the products shown.

Photography Amberly Valentine | | Model Anna Elff 


Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work

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Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work
Mind & Body

Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work

POV: It’s the morning after the night before & you need hangover remedies fast. We’ve got you! 

Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work
Mind & Body

Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work

POV: It’s the morning after the night before & you need hangover remedies fast. We’ve got you! 

Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work
Mind & Body

Hangover Cures: 7 Of The Best Natural Remedies That Actually Work

POV: It’s the morning after the night before & you need hangover remedies fast. We’ve got you!