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Men's Health

When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?

Take your supplements and vitamins at the right time each day can increase their absorption, effectiveness and support your body to thrive, physically and mentally. Discover when to take which vitamins in the morning, what to take before and after your workout, and which vitamins to take at night to make the most of their benefits and support you to live healthier every day.

When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?


Many of us don’t get enough of the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals we need to thrive through our diet alone, and for the nutrients we’re deficient in, we can supplement them. We can take that a step further by supporting our body to absorb all those juicy nutrients by taking our supplements at the right time each day to help us reach our full potential. 

Nowadays we can take our vitamins in capsule form, liquid form, as gummies, in powdered form, in shakes and drinks, or even inhale them, but when is it best to take them to lap up their benefits? We consulted the experts to find out.  

“The first and most important thing to know is that no two vitamins or supplements are the same. The best time and best way to take each vitamin and each supplement will differ,” says lead pharmacist at digital pharmacy, Giulia Guerrini.  


“The proof that taking vitamins and supplements at a specific time of the day makes them more effective is minimal. Taking them at the same time every day is usually more to help you develop a habit. However, taking certain vitamins, such as A, B, and C when eating a meal can help the body absorb as much as possible. If you forget to take vitamins or supplements at a certain time, then just waiting until your next full meal might be the best option,” suggests Guerrini.  

“As digestion slows down while you sleep, I’d always suggest taking any vitamins and supplements in the morning rather than the evening. However, if you’re somebody with a very busy routine and you’re likely to forget to take your vitamins and supplements in the morning, take them just before you wind down for bed so that they’re not forgotten,” adds Guerrini.  

Gut health expert Sas Parsad agrees. “The best time of day is typically first thing in the morning when your stomach acid is at its lowest.” 

Another factor to consider: vitamins are often fat-soluble, meaning they’re best absorbed alongside high-fat foods, while other vitamins are water-soluble – best absorbed with water, and better to take on an empty stomach.  


Vitamins and supplements that are best taken in the morning are B vitamins, probiotics, prebiotics, l-theanine, multivitamins, collagen, and anything with caffeine in. Take your vitamin D and omega 3 with a meal that includes high-fat foods like avocado, whole milk, or flaxseed to help your body absorb it.  

“I find some of the more stimulating nutrients such as the B vitamins are better taken in the morning,” says nutritionist and health advisor, Emma Thornton. “Supplement options like probiotics should be taken earlier in the day, for example alongside breakfast, so higher levels of stomach acid don’t risk damaging them or compromising their efficacy. Good bacteria need to make it to the large intestine alive, where they can then exert their effects."  

Supplement expert, Amy Peacock, recommends taking l-theanine first thing too. “Found naturally in black tea, green tea, and several fungi, l-Theanine is an amino acid. Aside from helping us manage blood pressure and supporting our immune system, l-theanine may help with concentration, reducing stress levels, and post-workout recovery.”  

“Because L-Theanine can help us focus, and because it’s often taken with caffeine (as in a tea) it may be better to take it in the morning or early afternoon to prevent sleep disruption. You can also take it with or without food and on an empty stomach.”  


The best supplements to take before a workout include any pre-workout (the clue’s in the name) and any ingredients that will boost energy, power, strength, or support endurance – things like creatine, beetroot juice, BCAA, and l-arginine. Plus, anything with caffeine in could boost your energy and focus to help you reach more PBs too. 

“If you’re taking a supplement to assist with your fitness and workouts, such as a pre-workout, you’re likely to feel the effects (such as an increased heart rate and more energy) within 45 minutes of taking it,” explains Guerrini.  


Post-workout, aim to consume protein and good quality carbohydrates within 20-30 minutes of completing your workout to boost muscle recovery and repair. Protein uptake is faster immediately after a workout. This means that your body has a much higher chance of making use of that protein to help you recover faster, which means you can work out again sooner with reduced muscle pain – the dreaded DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness)! Take your protein powder to mix into a shake right after you finish.  

Supporting your body with hydration is also key. As well as plenty of water, if you've completed a long (anything over an hour) or arduous workout, your body might be low in key nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that were lost in the workout as your body was pushed to its extreme. Replenish important nutrients to help to regain energy, balance mood, and avoid feeling faint or dizzy with electrolyte hydration sachets or liquids.  


For the evening, you’ll want to avoid anything that boosts your energy and instead opt for more relaxing supplements that are sedative or relaxing in nature.   

Ideal supplements to take before bed which can help to alleviate stress and anxiety and help you drift off include CBD, Rhodiola Rosea, tryptophan, and melatonin (the sleep hormone). You can also take iron, and vitamins C, D, and E at night.  

“More calming nutrients such as magnesium can be nice to take in alongside the evening meal, ahead of bedtime,” says Thornton. Magnesium can have a slight laxative effect so it’s best taken with a meal.  

Take chamomile tea before bed, “to help you drift off into dreamland,” suggests Peacock. “This mild sedative is popular in alternative medicine, and famous for its ability to relax us, usher in sleep, and help with digestive issues like an upset stomach.”  


Some supplements can be taken at any time of the day. They include folic acid and ashwagandha. Zinc is best taken on an empty stomach one or two hours before a meal for best results.  


Take this article as a guide to creating your ideal supplement schedule, but what’s more important than taking your supplements at a specific time is making sure that you’re taking them at all. Create a daily habit that you can easily stick to so you’re always souped up with the right supplements to support your health and wellbeing!

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Photography Marie Raynolds


When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?

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When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?
Men's Health

When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?

Discover what vitamins to take when: morning, pre-workout, post-workout, and evening. 

When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?
Men's Health

When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?

Discover what vitamins to take when: morning, pre-workout, post-workout, and evening. 

When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?
Men's Health

When’s The Best Time To Take Vitamins & Supplements?

Discover what vitamins to take when: morning, pre-workout, post-workout, and evening.